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welcome to Gekkie's blog.. feel free to read around. this blog was designed me. copyrighted 2008 by oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com i do not share my personal layout. pls look at the credits to where i got my references. tag me if you want to be linked. COPYCATS, rippers & spammers are not welcome here!
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Name: Gekkie Koh
School: Yuhua Pri
Commonwealth Sec
B'dae: 27o395
Kohaku Countdown~!Pixel Icons
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another food post hahas~~is takoyaki now=)like the...
i bought this when NTUC was having a sale...2 for ...
Fate swimsuit version,Nanoha's exceed mode,Fate tr...
Utimate Diamond weekly #1!!!~~
Ultimate Diamond paradise....
Wednesday J-pop!~
yes!oricon's #1~ultimate diamond...
So Happy!!!

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All things related to Nana
Nana FC membership
Digital camera!
A trip to Japan
watch nana concert LIVE
Laptop vaio (blue?)
ipod touch
TaLk Here!Pixel Icons

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Nana Mizukis (All Albums)

Buy Them HERE!Pixel Icons
UNTITLED / Nana Mizuki
21st single releasing on 13 jan 2010
Theme of Lan Fan by THE ALCHEMISTS / Lan Fan (CV: Nana Mizuki)
Lan Fan (CV: Nana Mizuki)
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RSS Feed
Sunday 16 August 2009
Updates~ @ 20:33

have been buzy with projects and such nowadays....WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THERE SO MANY PROJECTS?!!!and we ae supposed to hand in the EE thing tommorow!who knows what is it about?any sample???haiz...and SA2 is only like 1 month away!??!!!i havent even know what subject i would want to take...but then i know 1 thing,i am definately not going to take triple humanities....after saying such boring stuffs,lets talk about some other stuffs...
  • bought a 4gb memory card a few weeks ago
the price differs from $38++ to $20!originally,the lowes price i got wat $25 but dunno for wat reason,i asked agn and i found a $20 mem. card=) just wanna to ask a question,how does the brand of the memory card matteR?
  • saw a very weird accident on national day
while i was watching a movie on chnl U,i heard a very loud bang from outside...so,i ran to the window and looked around..and i saw a bus and a car...with long rows of cars horning and stopping behind them..the thing is....the car hit the bus... i guessed that no 1 is injured though,no ambulance came..wonder if there was people sitting at the back row of passengers would feel...?
  • nana performing at Music Japan SP and she sang the most number of songs!~=D
and this is today's focus=D

as you can see from the picture=)nana is singing Discotheque(rosario+vampire OP) and Pray(MGLN SS insert) and from danie's blog is is singing Zankou no Gaia too!~:) any yes,she is the only 1 singing 3 songs~=)hehes....so happy~cant wait to see her singing Discotheque LIVE!~however,it is abit sad that she is wearing animelo clothes...i kinda expect her to wear either Live FEVER or DIAMOND clothes though....nevertheless,being able to perform is still great!=D cant wait for spme kind soul to upload !

PixelsMizuki Nana Just ROCKS!Pixel Icons