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welcome to Gekkie's blog.. feel free to read around. this blog was designed me. copyrighted 2008 by oh-so-lovelyy.blogspot.com i do not share my personal layout. pls look at the credits to where i got my references. tag me if you want to be linked. COPYCATS, rippers & spammers are not welcome here!
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webmistressPixel Icons
Name: Gekkie Koh
School: Yuhua Pri
Commonwealth Sec
B'dae: 27o395
Kohaku Countdown~!Pixel Icons
recent entriesPixel Icons
another food post hahas~~is takoyaki now=)like the...
i bought this when NTUC was having a sale...2 for ...
Fate swimsuit version,Nanoha's exceed mode,Fate tr...
Utimate Diamond weekly #1!!!~~
Ultimate Diamond paradise....
Wednesday J-pop!~
yes!oricon's #1~ultimate diamond...
So Happy!!!
Music Japan!

wishlistPixel Icons
All things related to Nana
Nana FC membership
Digital camera!
A trip to Japan
watch nana concert LIVE
Laptop vaio (blue?)
ipod touch
TaLk Here!Pixel Icons

jukeboxPixel Icons

Nana Mizukis (All Albums)

Buy Them HERE!Pixel Icons
UNTITLED / Nana Mizuki
21st single releasing on 13 jan 2010
Theme of Lan Fan by THE ALCHEMISTS / Lan Fan (CV: Nana Mizuki)
Lan Fan (CV: Nana Mizuki)
rewindPixel Icons

RSS Feed
Saturday 15 August 2009
I AM BACK! @ 19:57

i am back,ALIVE AND KICKING..:DSpent these few day editing,changing the template and finalllllly found this skin which i put in the header and i dont need type in the width and stuffs and it fit perfectly=)did some changes to the width of the sidebar and the blogposts...the skin hui fang change for me last time had sth called iframe and it redirected me to a site call EGO-BOX...it is a very pretty site with full of grahpics! many of the icons and clocks are found there!

PixelsMizuki Nana Just ROCKS!Pixel Icons