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Name: Gekkie Koh
School: Yuhua Pri
Commonwealth Sec
B'dae: 27o395
Kohaku Countdown~!Pixel Icons
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVE!~woke up at around 8 today.....
Heartful Song cut-out(Hoshina Utau CV: Nana Mizuki)
Nana-sama new single
NaNa sama 18th SingLe~~the pv of nana's new songs ...
haixs....sob feeling sick today...seems that i am ...
yay!most of the insects are finally cleared off!th...
today reach home at ard 7.30 haha.hmm...actually t...
today got so many hws.ytd after sku, we went to th...

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All things related to Nana
Nana FC membership
Digital camera!
A trip to Japan
watch nana concert LIVE
Laptop vaio (blue?)
ipod touch
TaLk Here!Pixel Icons

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Nana Mizukis (All Albums)

Buy Them HERE!Pixel Icons
UNTITLED / Nana Mizuki
21st single releasing on 13 jan 2010
Theme of Lan Fan by THE ALCHEMISTS / Lan Fan (CV: Nana Mizuki)
Lan Fan (CV: Nana Mizuki)
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RSS Feed
Thursday 8 January 2009
CSS Sec 1 Orientation @ 20:29

Sec 1 Orientation(2.1.09/& 2.9.09)

okay,honestly, the 1st day wasnt that fun....(the programmes are only talks and icebreakers)....so lets talk about day2 =)
starting of the day was code of conduct and such...after tt we proceeded to tie-tying.the sec1s ties are really very thick! it is so difficult to tie using them(ours are much better) when use their,the "triangle" place wld be quite big.... it isnt tt nice but a note try to "pull" as much as posible when tying them to make the "triangle" place smaller=)
NeXt,after lunch is the EE talk and NE quiz(lets not talk abt those)
  • amazing race
  • station games
-- amazing race...there are 5 games in total.but the sad thing is tt we only manage to complete 2 or 3 games...:'( i feel quite bad for the sec1s can see that they are really disapointed.we only haf 1 hour to complete the amazing race and the 1st fews stations are either breaks,water parade or toilet breaks.. other grps managed to complete all i guess?the blindman trail is 1 of the longest station...it took a long time and many ppl were queing for it,we went there and ther were already 2 grps waiting.so we went to the next station.wobbly broomstick.basically,we haf to lean our head on a broom stick and spin ard it 15 times (we,OGLs didnt do) they sec1s did and some of them even fell down after tt.luckily we are on the field or else i really do know wat will happen to them or us.hahas but nth happen of cors :)

--station games
well,we managed to complete all of this=) as there are only 4 stations and theres no break in between hahas. they did quite well though =)i personally like penguins in action where 2 person haf to tie each their leg together aka 2 person 3 leg.(we did a dry run of the amazing race and station games b4)

we got the "most enthusiatic team" =) hahas they annoucned the results today(8.1.09). congrats 2D!=)


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